
Supporting the scientific community is crucial to the conservation of the Salish Sea. In addition to research projects that come our way for direct review and support we also contribute to the Centre for Whale Research, the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the Porpoise Conservation Society.

Centre for Whale Research

Conducting killer whale population surveys since 1976, CWR is dedicated to the study and conservation of the southern resident killer whales. Over 43 years of research has created the only long-term data set about the population size, behaviour, health, and social dynamics of the southern resident killer whales. A population census and identification guides are developed each year and made available to the public and both the U.S and Canadian government for management and conservation purposes.

Pacific Salmon Foundation

Salmon are a foundation species of this coast and the primary prey of southern resident killer whales. Without salmon there will be no southern residents.

  • The Pacific Salmon Foundation “was established in 1987 as an independent, non governmental, charitable organization to protect, conserve and restore wild Pacific salmon populations in British Columbia and the Yukon. Today, the Foundation galvanizes the breadth of vested stakeholders to support Pacific salmon from stream to estuary to ocean.
  • The Foundation
  • raises money and makes grants available to volunteer community groups for stream conservation and restoration,
  • manages watershed initiatives in British Columbia that catalyze industry, First Nations, provincial and federal governments, and other non-profits
  • advances science to improve the understanding of factors that limit the abundance of Pacific salmon.
    works with government to prioritize and facilitate strategic salmon conservation in the province.

PorpoiseConservation Society

Porpoises tend to get less attention than their more popular cousins of the whale and dolphin family. They are not as charismatic and acrobatic as dolphins, not as impressive in size as killer whales or humpback whales. And yet they are highly intelligent animals that can be found in all our oceans, and they are an important part of the ecosystem. Some even live right in our ocean backyards, mostly undetected.

It is our mission to raise awareness for this unique group of animals and the challenges they face in our changing oceans. We want to rais their profile and inspire conserving action.

Wild 4 Whales Foundation

In addition to offering support to fellow not-for profits who do great work in and around the Salish Sea, the Wild 4 Whales Foundation supports direct research, projects by reviewing and vetting submissions from students, not-for profits, Eagle Wing Tours, etc. 

If you would like to see what other projects we have supported please click the button below.