Projects - Support

Supporting the scientific community is crucial to the conservation of the Salish Sea. Here are some research and educational projects we have supported recently.

Marine Policy-vessel compliance

Molly Fraser a Masters student from the University of Victoria submitted a proposal seeking support from the Wild 4 Whales Foundation to investigate the “Compliance of small vessels to minimum distance regulations for humpback and killer whales in the Salish Sea”. Understanding compliance is particularly important within marine systems, where human and wildlife encounters are frequent, complex and often poorly understood.

Phenological effects on Southern Resident Killer Whales

Mika Ogilvie, a Master’s student @ Royal Roads University examines the phenological effects on Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) population dynamics. Phenology refers to the cycle of recurring natural events, including behavioural phases like migration, breeding, and foraging, which are often very closely linked to physical factors such as temperature. I am using a multivariate analysis to explore the phenology of SRKW population dynamics as related to five physical variables within their critical habitat—sea surface temperature, salinity, air pressure, wave height and wave period.  VIDEO—Mika Ogilvie presentation at 1:07:00

Coral Reef Ole Nemesis-Anthropogenic Runoff

Moise Jente Reshevski Jack is a Masters student from Roysal Roads University and his research will be used to identify the land-use changes adjacent to the South Coast Marine Park (SCMP) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and how they have impacted the coral reefs of this small developing island state in the Caribbean. His research is necessary for the sustainable management, conservation, and protection of marine resources both locally and globally. As it will address the impacts of sedimentation and pollution from terrestrial runoff on coral reefs of the SCMP, which has applications well beyond his Caribbean study site. His research will help to lessen the impacts to coral reefs from human land-based sources. If action is not taken forthwith, the health of coral reefs and our marine environment will continue to decline. 

Exploring the Salish Sea “Floating Classroom Project”

In partnership with Eagle Wing Whale & Wildlife Watching Tours, the Wild 4 Whales Foundation is proud to offer its support of this authentic and unique program designed specifically for children within the Greater Victoria region.  Since 2018 over 4,200 students have experienced this program first hand.  In the 2022/23 season 4,000 kids will benefit from this amazing partnership, with a longer term goal of 10,000 kids per year! This program is a 4 part series: 1st session is in the classroom, 2nd session is on a boat, 3rd session is a flexible learning activity and finally a celebration at the Royal BC Museum where they display their projects which have been created from their learnings.